This was a walk i did on my brother Craig's 29th birthday. The first real walk we had done together. I kinda expected the weather to be like it was (wet,windy and full of mist) so I wasnt disappointed! We had both got some new walking gear the day before and although Craig ended up cursing his wet clothes and he ended up sockless in the car on the way home after he had wrung them out we both had a good time. When we eventually scrambled over the wet rocks in the mist to the top we didnt stay too long as its like walking on a sponge at the top it was so saturated! The mist deffo adds atmosphere and when it clears for a few seconds you get a little windows where you can enjoy the view (briefly). I think Craig enjoyed doing something different like this and it does give him a little bragging rights to say he climbed a 2300 feet mountain in the mist when he gets back to Cambridge :)
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