This was one of the best walks we have been on in a great location.The walk starts off at Jeffreys Hill car park 260m up and then after a short walk to the top of Jeffrey Hill itself. you walk through the heather moorland to the top of Longridge Fell at 350 metres.
Then the walk changes alot. you cut into woodland which you had been skirting, descend down a rock strewn stream and then keep going down through lovely woodland. It was here half way through the walk that we found a perfect spot for some lunch.
I was with Amy,Henry and our friend Terry who had come prepared! Sausages were on the menu and Henry couldnt resist pinching some before he was supposed to :)
You then walked back up towards the top and back to the car. the walk is 6 miles in 3 hours.
Here are some pics. They include pics of the dinner,the long walk up to the top of Longridge Fell and pics of Longridge Forest.
ps. Note the cuteness of Amy and her pink hat! what this doesnt show is how it fell off into some mud and I dived in like a hero to save it or how many times I nearly fell over into the same patches of mud ;0)
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