Gary,Simon and myself went on to the Langdale Pikes expecting a fairly tough walk and fair bit of rain. we were wrong on both counts. not a drop of rain and a walk that was so steep and tough i almost gave up several times. what the pics dont show is i was soaked in sweat(i lost about 4 pounds in weight) burnt and feeling dizzy. i had my big walking jacket on most of the day and was ready to keel over. Its a beautiful area and very busy with other walkers. We had to ascend nearly 2500 feet in just 2 miles so it was steep all the way, not a bit of flat ground at all.
I didnt think i would get to the top but can say now i have done it. it maybe was my hardest ever walk,i could barely stand at the end. Poor Simon had not been on a decent sized walk since Crinkle Crags in autumn 2007 and had to drive back very tired indeed. coming down was almost as horrible as going up, my poor knees took a pounding as it was very steep and i had to use my hands coming down too quite alot.