Thursday, 24 January 2008

Cuerdan Valley Park- Near Preston

This was a short and easy walk in Cuerdan Valley Park south of Preston with Amy,Henry and our friend Terry. A great walk for dogs and Henry loved it. the weather held off till near the end when we all got soaked.
The park has lots of paths and a river running through it with several bridges and a nice lake. Some higher ground means you can look down on the river and the people walking it. This would be a nice place to come back in the summer when the weather is better. Time i think to do something slightly more challenging :)

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Pleasington circular walk - near Blackburn

This is my 1st walk since October, my first with my new boots (i chucked the old ones)and my first with Amy since we did a walk a couple of miles from here in September.
We started in the village of Pleasington not far from Blackburn and did a 5 mile circular walk accross large fields,by rivers, through woods,under railway viaducts and past plenty of streams. Oh and a very cool waterfall too!
I was full of cold, was unsure of the leg i injured in December and had boots that were cutting into my feet. Amy was tired too and Henry the dog had been sick the night before and was very off colour!
As it was January the walk was very muddy in places but we had no rain and a bright blue sky at least. The walk was picturesque and a good starter for tougher walks later in the year. We all enjoyed it and wondered just how nice it would look in the summer :)