This walk was cool! I was joined not just by Gary but by Simon too, and the fantastic three set off early morning to Ingleton for our biggest challenge yet... Getting Gary to go to Yorkshire! well that was a challenge but we were also here to climb Ingleborough which at 730 metres (2350 feet) was easily the highest place we had been.
To say it was misty up there was an understatement. we couldnt see the peak at all until we were on it! and the wind.... well 'Gale Force' doesnt do it justice on top!
We walked at a steady pace not able to see much at all really, the mist came and went in seconds and then came back again. The path on the way up was fairly steady but got harder as time went on and then you suddenly start climbing the mountain itself.
You go up lord of the rings type stone steps over ridges thinking you are there only to look up and see another ridge towering over you! By this time i was getting tired. We hadnt stopped too much to refuel with grapes, pistachios mustachios and BBQ pringles but my feet were hurting and I was slowing and so was Simon. Gary pressed ahead loving the steps and scrambling over rocks.
Its hard to describe the spookiness and desolation of a place like this, in this weather but I loved it! Gary loved it less when he reached the top in thick fog and found himself on his own!
a couple of mins later we arrived for group photos and for a slice of Gary's wifes chocolate cake!
luckily there is a wind shelter up there or else the cake could have blown back to Lancashire on it own!
The next question was 'where do we go from here?' tough SAS trained commando Gary Lunn decided the best way was to march off into the thick fog in a random direction straight off the side of the mountain. Grizzled veteran climber Simon Owen agreed ;)
Sense eventually prevailed when the reality of certain death or glory awaited and we retraced our way back to the car with aching limbs.
Top walk! and yep Gary now wants a bigger challenge! Everest will surely follow!